Grounds of the Frankfurt Hospital
Professor Ehrlich's Laboratory
Paul Ehrlich and Assistants Outside his Laboratory
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Professor Ehrlich's Laboratory

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Image Details

Date 1912
Location Frankfurt
Description Nobel prize-winning physician and scientist, Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915) is best known for his contributions in finding the first effective medical treatment for Syphilis in 1909, via the so-called "magic bullet" drug Arsphenamine (also known as compound 606 and Salvarsan) which was discovered by his laboratory. Ehrlich made significant contributions in the nascent fields of chemotherapy and serum antitoxins. In 1896 the Institute for Serum Research and Serum Testing was established for him in a Berlin, and in 1899 his institute moved to Frankfurt am Main and was renamed the Institute of Experimental Therapy.

He won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908 for his contributions to immunology.
Format Photograph
Original Index Number 197