At Professor Garré's Clinic
Professor Garré Quizzing A Student
Professor Garré Demonstrating to a Student
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Professor Garré Quizzing A Student

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Image Details

Date 1912
Location Bonn
Description Swiss surgeon and bacteriologist Carl Garré (1857-1928) was the first to describe Sclerosing osteomyelitis (also known as Garré's sclerosing osteomyelitis), a rare disease affecting primarily children and young adults.

Garré undertook his medical education in Bern (he was a student of Robert Koch and Theodor Kocher), and worked as surgeon in Sant'-Gallene and Basel, then in Tuebingen. He was Professor of Surgery at Bonn from 1907-1926.

He published widely on general and speciality surgery, field surgery, bacteriology, orthopaedics, oncology and therapeutics.
Format Photograph
Original Index Number 244