Act to assist "the deacon of the surgeons in…to poynd or warn persons"
Act of the Town Council of Edinburgh in favour of the chirurgians against unfree persons
Deacon David Pringle defence before Magistrates
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Act of the Town Council of Edinburgh in favour of the chirurgians against unfree persons

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Date 1603
Location Edinburgh
Description Ordaining the baillies to give command to their officers to concur with the deacon of the chirurgians and apprehend the unfreemen for practising the art of chirurgery within the burgh of Edinburgh, thereby usurping the privileges and liberties of the calling, and enacting that in future "no maner of person attempt nor use any point of our said craft of chirurgerie or barbercraft within this burgh but if he be first frieman and burgess of theis burgh and that he be… expert in all the points belang and to the saids crafts, diligent lie and advysed lie exammar and admittit by the maister of the said craft… and suchlyke that na manir of person, man or woman within this burgh make nor sell any aquavitae within the same except the saids maisters brethern and friemen of our said craft under paine of escheiting of the same". (23 November 1603)
Format Manuscript
Original Index Number RCSEd 1/2/1/4