Copy of Act of Council
Act of Town Council in favour of the Incorporation of Surgeons of Edinburgh against the unfreemen barbers of the Canongate
Acts prohibiting various unfree barbers of the Canongate from acting as surgeons or barbers
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Act of Town Council in favour of the Incorporation of Surgeons of Edinburgh against the unfreemen barbers of the Canongate

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Date 1649
Location Unknown
Description Act of Town Council in favour of the Incorporation of Surgeons of Edinburgh against the unfreemen barbers of the Canongait. Robert Preist and the barbers of the Canongait "being demandit what right they had to exercise the airt of surgerie and barbercraft within the Canongait, they absolutlie denyed that they exercised any poynt of surgerie but barbercraft allanerlie" and argued that there was no right proceeding from the barony of Broughton authorising either the magistrates or the surgeons to assume control over barbercraft within the Regality. They had never been erected into a company nor subject to a deacon, but pursued their trade subject to their own hand and without requiring permission or warrant of anyone. The magistrates, however, declared that the barbers had no liberty to exercise their trade within the bounds of the Incorporation of the burgh. (18 July 1649)
Format Manuscript
Original Index Number RCSEd 1/2/2/23