Transcription of Letters of Exemption Granted by Mary Queen of Scots (part 1)
Transcription of Letters of Exemption Granted by Mary Queen of Scots (part 2)
Ratification by James VI
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Transcription of Letters of Exemption Granted by Mary Queen of Scots (part 2)

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Date 1567
Location Edinburgh
Description Exempting them "for the weale of the realme… fra bering of armoure or passing in battell in all weiris wapinschawings raidis gaderingis assembleis armyis And als fra all passing upon assyis or Inqueistis In actionis criminall or civile Except sa fer as apperteinis to the Jugement of thair awin craft To the effect that thai may be reddie to serve the remanent Liegis with thair occupatioun as tyme sall require… provyding… that thai be put with oure armyis reddie to do thair cure and dewitie to all sic personis as sall have mister tharof."
Original Index Number RCSEd 1/1/1