Letter respecting the charges threatened against the Society in the care of widows Edington and Gilmour (Part 2)
Letter respecting the charges threatened against the Society in the care of widows Edington and Gilmour (Part 3)
Petition from Widow Bennet requesting an advance
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Letter respecting the charges threatened against the Society in the care of widows Edington and Gilmour (Part 3)

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Date 1834
Location Edinburgh
Description Copy letter to be sent to Messrs. Chalmers and Greig respecting the charges threatened against the Society of Barbers in the care of widows Edington and Gilmour. Dismissing the accusation against Mr. Geike and explaining that the administration of charitable funds is entirely under the control of the Society.
Format Manuscript
Original Index Number SB 8/2/45